Studio Chrispixel
Christophe Rouillaux
Montauban - Toulouse - Pau
06 03 88 65 66
Siret 382 090 173 00065
Host: Inc.
Address: 500 Terry A François Blvd San Francisco, CA 94158
Website creation: Christophe ROUILLAUX
These General Conditions of Use determine the rules for accessing this Site. By browsing this Site, you acknowledge, as a user, that you know its terms, accept them without reservation and comply with them.
1 - CNIL mention
The nominative information that you will be required to provide on the site is only transmitted to the publisher.
We inform you that this data may be used by the publisher, in accordance with the legal provisions in force, for direct prospecting purposes to offer you similar products or services.
In accordance with the provisions of the law known as "Informatique et Liberté" of January 6, 1978 as amended by the law of August 6, 2004, the processing of your data may give rise to the exercise of the right of access and rectification as well as '' a right of opposition for legitimate reasons, with the publisher of the said Site or by sending a letter to the address defined above.
A “cookie” may be created during your use of the site. It does not allow us to identify you. On the other hand, it records information relating to the navigation of your computer on our site (the pages that you have consulted, the date and time of the consultation, etc.) that we can read during your subsequent visits.
We inform you that you can oppose the recording of “cookies” by configuring your Internet browser, but we draw your attention to the fact that certain personalized services require that the user accepts cookies. If the browser is configured to refuse them, access to these services may be impaired or even impossible.
2 - License of right of use
Access to the Site gives you the right to private, non-collective and non-exclusive use of the content of the said Site. All networking and redistribution, in whatever form, is prohibited.
The right to reproduce is only understood for the purposes of representation on a single-user screen and is strictly reserved for your private use. If you wish to make commercial use of the information on this Site, you should seek our express consent. To do so, send us an email using our [contact form].
All the Materials published on the Site, including without limitation texts, photographs, videos, infographics, icons (hereinafter "the Materials"), constitute works within the meaning of the provisions of the article L 112-1 of the Intellectual Property Code. Consequently, any representation or reproduction, in whole or in part, which could be made without the consent of their authors or their beneficiaries, is illegal. You cannot therefore modify, copy, transmit by e-mail or in any other way, transfer, download, display and, in general, use these Materials.
You therefore agree to:
download the Materials to your computer only for personal and time-limited use
only print the downloaded Materials on paper on the condition that said copies are strictly limited to personal use
not to reproduce the digital version of the Materials for press review purposes
not to alter, modify, move, remove or replace the editorial content (text and / or reproduction) of the Materials and / or the authors of the Materials or their beneficiaries.
We remind you that the violation of one of the copyrights of the publisher or of the authors of this Site constitutes an offense of counterfeiting punishable in France by article L 335-2 of the Code of Intellectual Property and liable to three years' imprisonment and a fine of 300,000 euros.
The publisher reserves the right, at its sole discretion and without prior information, to modify, delete or add information to the “General Conditions of Use” of the Site, and this at any time in order in particular to take into account any legal evolution. , jurisprudential, editorial and / or technical. The version that prevails is the one that is accessible online. You are therefore advised to regularly refer to the latest version of said General Conditions of Use.
The publisher also reserves the right to modify the characteristics or the content of the Site. It may also restrict access to the Site to certain sections without prior warning.
The publisher may at its sole discretion suspend, interrupt or stop access to all or part of the Site for any reason whatsoever including in particular non-compliance with the “General Conditions of Use” of the Site. It does not guarantee that the Site is error-free or that all imperfections will be corrected.
The publisher reserves the right to send you, personally or to all users of the Site, e-mails in order to keep you informed of changes, modifications or additions made to the Site.
3 - Limitation of liability
You are solely responsible for damages and prejudices, direct or indirect, material or immaterial if they are caused, founded or originated by use of the Site by yourself or by any person authorized by you to use this Site. By use, it is appropriate to understand any use of the Site whatsoever, fraudulent or non-fraudulent.
As such, you waive any claim or legal action relating to such damage and prejudice, on the basis of the contractual liability of the publisher of this Site or on any other basis.
Hypertext links may refer to sites other than the Site. By clicking on these links, you leave the Site and thus end up on sites over which the publisher has no control. Consequently, the latter disclaims all liability in the event that the content of these sites contravenes the legal and regulatory provisions in force.
In addition, it is recalled that no hypertext link can refer to the Site without the prior and express authorization of the publisher of the Site. In the absence of authorization, such a link is considered to constitute the offense of counterfeiting, an offense whose penalties have already been recalled above.
The publisher undertakes to make the necessary efforts to secure access, consultation and use of the Materials in accordance with the rules of use of the Internet. Access to the Site is possible twenty-four (24) hours a day (24), seven (7) days a week (7) except in the event of force majeure or an event beyond the control of the publisher and subject to any breakdowns and maintenance operations necessary for the proper functioning of the Site and the Materials, which may be carried out without having notified you in advance.
Consequently, the publisher cannot be held responsible in the following cases:
Momentary interruptions lasting a few minutes to update certain files
Operating difficulties or temporary interruption of these services regardless of the will of the publisher, in particular in the event of an interruption in electricity or telecommunications services
Momentary interruptions of the services necessary for their development or maintenance
Failure or malfunction of the Internet network in the transmission of messages or documents.
You declare to accept the characteristics and the limits of the Internet, and in particular to recognize:
that you are aware of the nature of the Internet, in particular its technical performance and response times for consulting, querying or transferring Information
that the communication of your possible access codes and precisely your username and password or in general any information deemed confidential is made under your own responsibility
that it is your responsibility to take all necessary measures to ensure that the technical characteristics of your computer allow you to consult the Information
that it is your responsibility to take all appropriate measures to protect your own data and / or software from contamination by any viruses circulating through the Site and / or the Information
it is specified that the downloading of the Materials implies unreserved acceptance of the said Materials and of these General Conditions of Use.
4 - Special conditions of community spaces (comments)
The publisher provides you with spaces reserved for free communication between Internet users. As such, the publisher acts exclusively as a host of the community spaces that it makes available to you and its responsibility is therefore that of a technical service provider as defined in article 6.I-1 of the law. on Confidence in the Digital Economy of June 21, 2004. Parents are invited to monitor the use made of these community spaces by their minor children.
1 - These community spaces are discussion spaces allowing you to post opinions and information around specific themes.
By distributing your various contributions (hereinafter referred to as “Contributions”) on these spaces, you authorize the publisher to use and reproduce all or part of the Contributions, in the sections of the Site. In the event that these Contributions are protectable under copyright, you expressly and graciously assign to the publisher all related intellectual property rights and in particular the right of reproduction, representation, adaptation, on any medium. and in any format known or unknown to date, for the whole world and for the legal term of copyright protection, thus allowing the publisher to use and reproduce all or part of the Contributions, in the sections of the Site.
The publisher undertakes to take the greatest care of the Contributions, but can in no case be held responsible for any alteration relating thereto. The publisher also undertakes to reproduce the Contributions with the mention of the pseudonym of their author as indicated by the latter.
2 - You acknowledge that you are fully responsible for the Contributions that you publish on this section, and that these Contributions do not fall under the editorial activity of the publisher.
Consequently, the publisher cannot be held liable for the illegal nature of the Contributions. You guarantee the publisher against any recourse and / or actions that any person could bring as a result of the distribution of Contributions on the Site. You will assume all charges and payments that may be due or claimed concerning these same people for whatever cause or reason.
We remind you that community spaces are places of exchange, debate of ideas, where conviviality and respect for others are essential. Everyone must therefore respect the other contributors and the pluralism of opinions necessary for the animation of the community. Any Contribution comprising verbal aggression, free mockery or vulgarity may fall within the scope of moderation and consequently be withdrawn from the Site.
These Contributions cannot include content constituting or encouraging the commission of acts punishable by law. You therefore agree to respect the ethical principles listed below, without this list being exhaustive:
Contributions must not infringe or be contrary to public order, good morals or offend the sensitivity of minors
The Contributions must not infringe in any way whatsoever the rights to the reputation, privacy of third parties and the image of the latter.
Contributions must not be denigrating, defamatory, abusive, obscene, violent, racist, xenophobic, undermine the image and reputation of a brand or of any natural or legal person, in any way whatsoever.
Contributions must not be used for threats or harassment in any way.
Contributions must not incite hatred, violence, suicide, racism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia, homophobia, advocate war crimes or crimes against humanity
Contributions must not incite discrimination against any person or group of persons because of their ethnicity, religion, race, or because of their sexual orientation or disability.
Contributions must not incite to commit a crime, an offense or an act of terrorism
Contributions must not be pornographic or pedophile; Contributions must not jeopardize the security or integrity of any State or territory, whatever it may be.
Contributions must not infringe the intellectual property rights of any person.
Any contribution that does not respect these principles may be deleted by the site moderator, or even be reported to the public authorities in accordance with the provisions of article 6-1-7 of the law of June 21, 2004 for the Confidence in the Digital Economy.
In accordance with article 6 - I of the law of June 21, 2004 on Confidence in the Digital Economy, the publisher is bound, in its capacity as content host, to the following obligations:
1. Hold and keep data such as to allow the identification of any person who has disseminated content through him, in the event that the judicial authorities so request,
2. Remove and or prevent access to illegal content as soon as he becomes aware of it.
However, the publisher is not subject to a general obligation to monitor and control the information and content disseminated, or even to a general obligation to research facts or circumstances revealing illegal activities.
Thus, you only agree to disseminate content for which you have the rights, for which the rights holder has expressly authorized you to disseminate them or which is free of all rights. As a reminder, the Intellectual Property Code prohibits any full or partial representation or reproduction made without the consent of the author or his legal successors.
In addition, you must not under any circumstances offer on this section the sale, donation or exchange of stolen goods or those resulting from embezzlement, fraud, breach of trust or any other criminal offense.
This section may not be used to solicit funds, goods, services or advertising or to distribute or publish information or data of a commercial nature. More generally, they cannot be used for commercial purposes.
You agree not to insert on the Contributions addresses or hypertext links to external sites which are contrary to the laws and regulations in force, which infringe the rights of third parties or which are contrary to these General Conditions of Use. .
The publisher does not accept any disruptive online activity, such as spamming, sending messages that are continually irrelevant or statements inciting others to violate these rules of conduct or to participate in illegal activities. It is for participants to take part in a discussion and to express themselves in a positive context.
In accordance with the provisions of article 6 - I - 7. paragraphs 3 and 4 of the law for Confidence in the Digital Economy of June 21, 2004, you have the possibility to report the publication of any Contribution of which you are aware, which would not be related to the subject discussed, the editorial line and / or which would contravene the laws and regulations in force and in particular which would fall under the offenses provided for in articles 24 paragraphs 5 and 8 of the press law and 227-23 of the Code Criminal such as the apology for crimes against humanity, incitement to racial hatred, child pornography.
We recommend that you do not disseminate online, to a stranger, personal information about you that may identify you and more generally any sensitive or confidential data (postal address, telephone number, social security number, credit card number, etc. driver's license number, age, etc.) and which could be used against you or for illegal or harmful purposes. This is so even when this disclosure is requested by a person with whom you are interacting, even if that person presents himself as being authorized by the publisher or any other company. In any event, such disclosure would be done at your own risk, without the publisher's liability being incurred.
In accordance with the provisions of article 6 - I - 7. paragraphs 3 and 4 of the law for Confidence in the Digital Economy of June 21, 2004, you have the possibility to report the publication of any Contribution (text, photo, illustration ...) of which you are aware, which is not related to the subject at hand, the editorial line and / or which contravenes the laws and regulations in force and in particular which would fall under the offenses provided for in articles 24 paragraphs 5 and 8 of the law on the press and 227-23 of the Penal Code such as the apology for crimes against humanity, incitement to racial hatred, child pornography.
This option can be exercised by sending a message to the site content manager using the [contact form]. The Site editor thus reserves the right to remove content and to suspend access to a member of the Site, if it has been brought to its attention, under the conditions as referred to above, that this content was manifestly unlawful or at the request of a judicial authority.
You must nevertheless be aware that the fact of abusing the faculty of signaling an illegal content is likely to engage the responsibility of the one who exercises it. In particular, are likely to give rise to legal proceedings:
reporting a message or activity as illegal for the sole purpose of obtaining its removal or stopping its distribution, knowing that this information is inaccurate,
the denunciation, carried out by any means of communication, including by electronic means and directed against a specific person, of a fact which is likely to lead to legal sanctions, and which is known to be totally or partially inaccurate.
Application of French law
The Internet network being by nature a global network, but this site being intended for a French public, the rules applicable to all the contents and all the data transmissions on and around the Site are determined by French law. In the event of a dispute, the French courts will have sole jurisdiction.